
December 17 - 19th 2021


YouthHacks is a student-run, 3-day long learnathon and hackathon. YouthHacks strives to address the disparity in STEM education by providing a collaborative environment, especially for underprivileged students from less fortunate socioeconomic backgrounds, to help kickstart their STEM careers. Participants will be enriched with critical STEM and problem-solving skills, learn from Youth In Code’s experienced instructors, make new friends, and create an amazing project with the support of mentors! After YouthHacks, students will not only have programming experience from their project, but also the necessary tools to further their knowledge. The hackathon encourages finding solutions catered toward addressing socioeconomic issues in our world. We hope to challenge students across the globe and reward them for their creativity!

Make sure to check out our schedule, sign-up on our Devpost, and join our Discord server, which is where all the hackathon’s communications and announcements will take place.


Kickoff and Team Formation




Fiscal Sponsorship by Hack+

Premium Services from EchoAR

Taskade Lifetime updrades for Winners

Taskade 5-Year Upgrades for everyone

$1,000 in Bubble credits for 6 months for each member of the winning team

2x Sketch Workspace subscriptions. Free for everyone during the event!

Stickermule: Free Stickers

Hack Club-Bank: Hack Club Stickers

Gather: Discounts for software

Interview Cake Full Access License

Four $25 coupons for AoPS products

Leading Learners EdTech Bundles ($100 USD Value)

About Us

Justin Liu


Ishaan Patel

Lead Web Developer

Suyash Bhardwaj

Outreach Director

Tejas Kallu

Operations Director